About Progress Castlecliff
Progress Castlecliff is a community based charitable organisation that has worked to progress improvements in Castlecliff since 1994.
Progress Castlecliff believes Te Kai Hau ā Kupe (Castlecliff) is a regional taonga (treasured asset) deserving attention and investment. We share that vision with Iwi (and acknowledge their guardianship).
Progress Castlecliff seeks to build appreciation of Castlecliff’s needs and potential with local, regional and central government and other relevant organisations and businesses. We support change that will benefit both the environment and people of Castlecliff.
We achieve this by:
> Having a broad membership base with an active publicly elected board of members from the Castlecliff community. The board meets bi-monthly with working groups and individuals/groups undertaking projects that will improve Castlecliff.
> Undertaking regular, extensive and open consultation with local residents to ensure change is community led and focussed.
> Supporting individuals and groups to understand our community and to protect, develop and utilise resources and initiate activities that benefit Castlecliff.
> Assisting government bodies to understand and work with Castlecliff residents to ensure targeted funding and the implementation of appropriate community led development.
Ongoing PCC projects:
· CoastCare – protecting and improving our unique coastal dunes through expert planning and consultation, targeted pest and weed removal, facilitating planting and dune maintenance activities through engagement with the community, councils and the department of conservation (DoC).
· Identification of Mana Whenua history and sites of significance as well as collecting preserving and re-telling Castlecliff history.
· Supporting scientific and environmental studies of our unique dune coastal environment.
· Managing and maintaining the Duncan Pavilion as a community venue and Whanganui treasure.
· Building on the ongoing success of the Rangiora Street development to preserve local public resources, attract further businesses valuable to the community and improve the beach environment and access areas.
· Supporting the preservation and refurbishment of the Castlecliff Surf Club building.
· Pro-actively consulting with local, regional and central government on the planning and development of the Whanganui Port rejuvenation.
· Actively utilising web and social media to share what is great about Castlecliff; provide information for residents and visitors and help build pride in our suburb.
Past projects:
· The award winning Castlecliff Skate Park
· The re-creation of Rangiora Street as the active heart of our suburb through street art, a ceramics studio, a café, street planting and an active church community
· Working with the Whanganui District Council to bring the Duncan Pavilion back into community use
· Working for the retention and rejuvenation of the children’s’ playground
Future projects we are working on include:
· A twenty year action plan for the rejuvenation and protection of the Castlecliff coastal dunes and beach
· Improvements and enhancements to Morgan St and North Mole
· The development of a waka ama based sports hub
· Protecting and preserving our dunes through appropriate vehicle and equestrian access
· CCTV systems to help protect our physical assets
· Community based Wi-Fi to ensure all in our community can afford and access the internet
· Continuing to work with local and central government on the Whanganui Port rejuvenation
· Supporting and showcasing the artistic talent living in and inspired by Te Kai Hau ā Kupe (Castlecliff)